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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why the Olympics are Special?

Is there any TV event that you can name that is famous worldwide and people from all over the globe watch it so intensely? The answer is the Olympics. This event, that occurs every four years, is the ultimate athletic showdown from all the countries. In my opinion, I think that the Olympics are more than a competition. The significance of this event is much more than to see which country has the best athletes.
  1. The Olympics give the world a reminder that even though we are separated by fences and boundaries, we are still the same. We are all still human beings and the life on this planet. The Olympics remind us that we are all together even though we may be physically separate.
  2. It is a tradition. Traditions are not broken. They are legacies that are passed over many years and generations. The Olympics are a legacy and is not meant to be broken. For example, if there were a world war going on right now, there would still be the Olympics.  The Olympics are a tradition that is respected in every country of the world and not even a war or catastrophe can break it.
  3. The Olympics inspire. Many of the sports and talents shown in the Olympics can be seen as impossible to the viewers at home. All the  Olympians are role models to the next generation. When a gymnast completes a complex routine successfully in the Olympics, little kids around the world are saying " I want to be able to do that one day." That motivates them to follow your dreams and reach your goals. The medals and the fame are just incentives that make Olympians strive for their dream even more.
Tomorrow, when you watch the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics, remember this post and the real significance of the Olympics. Maybe one day I will be watching you on TV representing your country in worldwide famous event we call the Olympics. 

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