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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Heat Wave

Nothing sucks more than to be trapped inside your house on a hot day. Here in NC it is so hot that I can't even go outside. I am writing this post to give some ideas on what to do inside the house to make your summer fun.

  1. Take out old photographs from your childhood and take a trip down the memory lane. Even if you’re not the emotional kind, it is always a pleasure to look at a cuter you.
  2. If you like to indulge in creative activities, you can even make a collage or poster out of your old photos.
  3. Paint all your crockery purple.
  4. Try out chemistry for kids and become a mad scientist!
  5. Go skinny dipping.
  6.  Rearrange the furniture in your room/house. This helps breaks monotony.
  7. Paint. This is always a pleasurable activity, even if you don’t quite know how to. Who knows you might discover latent talent!
  8. Take some time out and appreciate someone important in your life. Write them a thank you note.
  9. Create a prom dress entirely out of disposable cutlery.
  10. If you’re a pet lover, you always have the option of teaching your pet a new trick. Tip: Patience is a virtue.
  11. Answer all questions with ‘purple monkey dishwasher.’
  12. Draw using your left hand (right if you are a lefty).
  13. Challenge your friends for a wizards’ duel.
  14. Buy a tiger soft toy, put it on a leash and drag it around your neighborhood calling it Hobbes and discussing life’s travesties with it.
  15. Make a house of cards – always a great way to pass time and learn patience.
  16. Tell your friends to call you Princess Consuela Banana-hammock for a day.
  17. Take your pet for a walk and pretend it is breaking up with you as soon as someone passes by.
  18. Experiment with poetry. If it is good, you would have discovered a talent, if not, you can always put it up for a few laughs here.
  19. Give back to nature: plant a few seeds.
  20. Use your extra time to do something useful: clean your wardrobe!
  21. Make a new playlist or CD, this time for a special someone.
  22. Learn a new language, an exotic one.
  23. Insert encouraging messages into helium-filled balloons and release them. Be sure to include your email address so people can contact you if they find one!
  24. Go to Yahoo Answers and answer some of the more ‘interesting’ questions.
  25. Replay an episode of Cops using remote controlled helicopters and cars.
  26. Find out more about your ancestors and develop a family tree.
  27. Learn to solve a new puzzle. For example, Sudoku, Wordoku, Pic-a-Pix.
  28. Engage in a physical activity. When was the last time you went jogging, cycling or trekking?
  29. Call up friends in the neighborhood and play games. Soccer, basketball and Frisbee are great options.
  30. Teach yourself a sign language. This comes in handy in awkward situations, where you don’t know the local language or cannot talk (during classes, for example).
  31. Write the script for an ad selling coffins.
  32. Make an anonymous threatening letter by cutting out words from a newspaper. Send it to your enemy.
  33. See how quick you can start and stop your digital stopwatch (no more than 0.03 seconds is the time to beat).
  34. Go on a walk armed with your camera. Snap pictures of things that look like letters of the alphabet.
  35. Do a Google search for “test subjects needed” or “volunteers needs” and volunteer for something.
  36. Ever tried sand art? If not, then try it now! Sand art in jar looks really beautiful indeed.
  37. Do you recall your favorite book as a child? Go and reread it! It is bound to make for an amusing couple of hours.
  38. Pretend to be dinosaur with a sore bottom
  39. Write your biography and illustrate it with stick people.
  40. Use green nail polish to paint uncomfortable looking rashes all over your body and tell folks you were bitten by a Martian.
  41. Call random people on the phone and try to sell them imaginary products
  42. Bake cookies. You’ll learn something new and get a nice savory snack.
  43. Gaze at the clouds, try to make out the shapes; you’ll be amazed with how many you can find!
  44. Eat all your food without using your hands.
  45. Call that one person you haven’t talked to in a really, really long time.
  46. Take a bubble bath, scented candles et al.
  47. Design your paper snowflake.
  48. Cover yourself with fake blood and lie on the sidewalk outside your house. See if anyone cares.
  49. Make a movie about something ridiculous: correct techniques of drinking from a can, things you can stack on your cat before it makes an attempt to move.
  50. Climb inside your freezer in your bare essentials and see how long you can survive.
  51. Cut out pictures from old magazines and newspaper and create your very own specialized wallpaper.
  52. Set up a tent in your living room or backyard and go ’camping’.
  53. Try origami.
  54. Write a letter to someone using only letters cut from newspapers and magazines.
  55. Make fancy birthday cards. That way you indulge your creative juices and save some money.
  56. If there’s snow, invite your neighbors, family and friends for a ‘snow war’. Create ‘forts,’ ‘watchtowers,’ and ‘moats.’ Don’t forget your snowballs and snowman sentries!
  57. Play a board game you loved as a child but now think you’re too old for. Returning to activities you enjoyed during your childhood is never boring.
  58. Arm yourself with some scraps of wood, nails, glue and a hammer and see what you can create.
  59. Learn a new card trick and amuse your folks at dinner.
  60. Paint a picture.