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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Colors of Fall

You guys have read my post about what to do in the summer when you are bored right? Now, I am going to explain an awesome way to spend a Saturday while enjoying the breathtaking colors of fall.

1. Wake up; have a light breakfast
2. Let's do some exercises; then we can eat guilty free the rest of the day.
Some workouts: Run a mile or two-enjoy the scenery, walk with a pet or just by yourself
*If you are feeling SUPER LAZY than you can read a book or just take a nap outside*
Get your blood flowing with the fresh oxygen outside
3. Family Time: you can have a picnic, go to your local ice cream shop
4. Picture Perfect Session: Spend a part of your day capturing the beautiful moments Mother nature has to offer
5. Coffee Time: Go to a local coffee shop and enjoy the pumpkin and gingerbread flavors of fall
6. Night time: watch a movie
Suggestions: The Dark Knight Rises, Avengers, The Vow, The Amazing Spider man, The Hunger Games
7. Go to sleep with a soft pillow and a teddy bear