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Monday, June 18, 2012

Coke vs. Pepsi: Cola Supremacy

You may not have noticed it, but World War 3 has been going on in the beverage world for over 114 years. Coke-Cola and Pepsi Co. have been rivals since 1898, when Pepsi was created.  
Being colas, Coke and Pepsi definitely taste very similar. Many people cannot even tell them apart if they don’t know which one they are drinking. However there are other people who are very adamant in their preference of either Pepsi or Coke. Some say that Pepsi is sweeter, others feel that Coke has a crisper flavor so they like it better. Some prefer the aftertaste of one over the other. There are even those who prefer one brand when drinking from a can and the other from a bottle. Most people find it more difficult to tell them apart when they are served as a fountain drink in a restaurant. It’s all about your own personal taste.  The rivalry between the companies is evident in their marketing. Both the companies have different approach to advertisements. Coke-Cola aims their marketing towards the nostalgic side. For example, they use Santa Claus to bring back memories of the merry times of Winter holidays and makes customers feel connected with their childhood/memories when drinking Coke. Coke-Cola definitely tugs on the heart string when advertising. Pepsi on the other hand tries to aim their products for a younger generation. " The choice for the next generation" is one of the sayings they used for their ads. Teens and kids are more likely to drink this beverage by watching the ads. Next time you drink a Pepsi/Coke don't just think about the taste, assess the other factors as well.