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Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Growing Problem

Cyber bullying is the harassment, embarrassment or bullying using technology.

Cyber bullying is a growing problem and before actually researching this in my languge arts project, I didn't realize how dangerous it is. Every year, 4400 teens commit suicide because of cyberbullying. I don't want to bore you with all these statistics and information about cyberbullying. I just want to make a point; everything that you do can affect someone else. I want you to read this story about this girl named Megan Meier. Currently, there are 9 states with laws against cyber bullying. Unfortunately, in Megan's case the cyber bullies didn't get in trouble. 

The Megan Meier Story: http://www.meganmeierfoundation.org/megansStory.php 

Read it....tell me what you think.

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