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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Frugal Shopping

I am not usually the type of person who likes to shop a lot. But when I do, I make sure I don't overspend. I like staying under my budget and spending money on things I need.
Rules about Shopping
1. If it doesn't make you jump up and down, don't buy it
2. If you find 2 things that you really like and can't decide which one, buy the cheaper one
3. (Back to rule 2) If both the things are the same price, buy the one you picked up first.
4. If it's not something they would sell at Cameron Village(in other words, if it is not unique), don't buy it.
5. If it is over your budget, walk away.
6. If it is on sale and you think you will never find it again, buy it.
7. If you can buy it on eBay, buy it there for a cheaper price
Every time you go to the mall, keep a budget for yourself so you won't go out of control shopping and find yourself in a loan office in a couple years. 

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